Ban Gioc Waterfall

Ban Gioc Waterfall – The North of Vietnam Tours – Vietnam Premier Travel – North East Explore – Natural Adventure tour – North West Vietnam discovery.

Hightligh of Ban Gioc Waterfall

One of the 4 largest waterfalls in the world among the waterfalls located on the border between the two countries. Including Iguazu Falls between Brazil – Argentina, Victoria Falls is located between Zimbia – Zimbabwe, Niagara Falls between Canada – USA.
And it is also one of the largest waterfalls in Southeast Asia.
With the height of the waterfall up to 70m, the width of 208m includes both main and secondary falls.

History of the Water Fall

This waterfall is located on the Que Son River and then branches and flows on both sides of the border. Flowing toward Vietnam in Dam Thuy commune, through Dinh Phong and Chi Vien communes, and then forming many different branches.
And the river bed there suddenly dropped about 35m and formed Ban Gioc waterfal

The river is divided in 3 by a mound full of trees in the middle, at the foot of the waterfall rushing to form a wide river surface.
On sunny days, visitors can see the image of the rainbow, flanked by green grass, spreading and lush forest.
About 5km away, there is Nguom Ngao cave, according to the ethnic language meaning Hang Ho. With a length of over 2000m, there are 3 separate cave shops: Nguom Ngao, Nguom Luon, and Ban Thuon.

Tourism potential

Cao Bang in the North should be divided into 2 distinct seasons: rainy and dry seasons. In the rainy season usually lasts from April to the end of September, this time the amount of water pouring here is quite large. Waterfalls will become majestic, flowing noisily around the clock but this is a weakness because the water will be bloodshot. The remaining months are little water, but extremely clear and green.

What to eat in Cao Bang

With high mountainous terrain, many forests so the cuisine here also has a clear difference. If coming to Cao Bang, tourists can enjoy the roasted suckling pig dish, which will be hard to forget.
The pig is only about 4 to 6kg, after preliminary clean, put it into the belly of the gallbladder and some other spices. Use a closed bamboo stick to flare tightly and grill on charcoal. The skin will be crispy and fragrant, the flesh inside will be fragrant, sweet and soft.

Stir-fried Da Hen Vegetables
This is a rustic and delicious dish, a vegetable that grows naturally in the forest. However, today due to the increase in the number of tourists visiting, people have brought about planting to increase productivity. This vegetable is fried with garlic, stir-fried will make sweet vegetables, crispy in the mouth. Not only is this dish but vegetables also have very good effects on health such as kidney treatment, strong tendons.

Ant Egg Pie
This is a typical dish of Cao Bang, and only from April to May because this is the time of the strongest growth of black ants.
To make this cake, the young ant eggs must be carefully selected along with the fragrant rice and the fig leaves and the outside.

And many more delicious dishes are waiting for visitors to come here to explore. For example, Cao Bang rolls, Roasted duck with Chili leaves or chao dumpling. All just need travelers and we set out and explore the Ban Gioc tour in 2 days 1 night.